Vegetarians refute consumption of animal meat led by personal instincts against animal slaughter.
The allegiance to protecting animals can be beyond denying animal by-products and foods containing animal additives, a veganism habit.
Ideally, vegans feed on plant foods such as seeds, nuts, legumes, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits in a quest to protecting animals’ quoting environment, health, or ethical reasons. The question lies in what it takes to transition from a vegetarian to vegans.
Read through this article and learn how to transition from a vegetarian to a vegan.
What It Means To Be A Vegetarian?
To be a vegetarian means refusing to consume any animal products sourced from engaging an animal with a knife.
It’s bidding farewell to all animal products that vary depending on animals’ love and personal preferences, which means that to be a vegetarian comes in different classes of personal importance. Therefore, below are some examples of vegetarians:
Ovo Vegetarian
An ovo vegetarian or else eggetarians withdraw from animal products but are great lovers of eggs.
Such vegetarians refuse animal products because they sympathize with the process used to attain the outcomes. An ovo vegetarian probably resonates with a caged dairy animal that’s forced to lactate in the expedition to provide milk.
It’s the act of bearing the pain and pledging to withdraw from the products to discourage the behavior. Thus, ovo vegetarians eat eggs because they come naturally, and also, an egg is far from becoming an animal. Nevertheless, ethical sourcing is a matter of concern for the eggetarians.
The pescatarians are individuals that refuse to eat meat but settles for a diet full of seafood. The diet is in the spectrum of vegetarians since the idea of ethics and protection of nature plays a part, but a significant choose pescatarian for dietary reasons.
For instance, some individuals settle for the keto diet, which means consuming fats, proteins, and very little or no carbs. In such circumstances, the pescatarians agree that seafood is a rich source of healthy fats and proteins.

The pollotarians consume chicken and withdraw from all other animal products. The reason for absconding from the animals’ products could be for health reasons or the desire to protect animals’ rights.
Why Should You Consider Transitioning To Veganism?
It requires loads of willpower to transition from vegetarian to veganism.
To ditch the eggs, glasses of milk or seafood can never be that easy. It can also result in detrimental health impacts if the process is not gradual and preplanned. So consider the following steps in your quest to become a full-fledged vegan.
Start gradually
It’s not advisable to go cold on that fish or turkey entirely before testing the waters. Remember, dietary changes can have adverse reactions, especially for those that reside in a family setup.
It may be tasking and precarious to explain to the loved ones the instant love for fruits and vegetables in opposition to the meat, poultry, and fish.
As discussed before, vegetarians vary, but they’re no significant variations in vegans since they have wholly absconded from animal products and everything they represent.
Another important reason for starting slow is to allow the body to ‘lactate.’ Else, it‘s to prepare the new diet’s body, destabilizing the normal functions. Transitioning to a more plant-based diet requires more research and advice from nutritionists to sustain normal body processes.
Cut the meat and animal products interchangeably
Give the mind, body, and spirit ample time to embrace the vegan diet to sustain the process.
It means making slight changes to the daily meals while allowing the subconscious and the body to adapt to the new tastes and preferences. It’s acceptable to swap the plants based diet with animal ingredients or supplements to attain the goals.
Watch for the proteins and fats
Transitioning to vegan is becoming more self-conscious about the number of proteins and fats ingesting in the body. Proteins and fats are essential for normal body functioning, and a deficiency of such can lead to life-threatening conditions and even death.
So don’t settle for vegetables and fruits blindly without considering what substitute is best for the meats and poultry products.
Eating excessive fruits and vegetables may not be a solution to a healthy life. For instance, avocados are a rich source of fats and calories, but too many avocados can lead to massive weight gain, clog the respiratory systems transitioning to life-threatening conditions.
Add more vegan food
The trick is to add more of the seeds, nuts, legumes, beans, and whole-grain to the diet before looking for substitutes.
It’s also imperative to learn about the different ways of preparing, cooking, and storing vegan food. Source the internet and collect recipes for self-experimentation and learning. Start with easy to cook and prepare recipes to create interest and enjoyment.
How Hard Will The Transition Be?

Probably, the vegans’ diet is about to manifest but wondering how hard the transition will be. The difference between a hard or easy way lies in personal choices and preferences. Humankind can overthrow any obstacle with a willing heart.
The ultimate goal to bridging the gap between the easy and challenging process of becoming a vegan is familiarizing with the concept. Take time and learn more about the vegan diet and lifestyles. Appreciate the journey taken by the pioneers to becoming influential vegans.
Look at the likes of Ellen DeGeneres. She transitioned to a vegan after her encounter with the 2005 documentary entitled Earthlings.
It’s said that Bill Clinton become a vegan after ongoing health scares during the retirement age. People like Ingrid Newkirk are specific about protecting the animals’ rights, and thus he is an activist geared at safeguarding the welfare of the animals.
A Journey of a thousand miles starts with a simple step, and there’s a way for a willing heart.
Great world invention came from the individuals’ desire to see the future from a different perspective. Thus, becoming a vegan is a desire born within and challenged by watching, reading, and identifying animals’ welfare stories.
Easy Ways To Replace Some Vegetarian Products For Vegan Products

There’s always an easy way of replacing some vegetarian products with vegan products for any beginner. For instance;
- Seitan, tempeh, and tofu offer excellent replacements for eggs, poultry, fish, and meat.
- Unroasted and unbalanced varieties of nut butter and nuts are unique sources for Vitamin E, selenium, zinc, magnesium, fiber, and iron.
- Flax, chia, and hemp seeds are an excellent replacement for omega-3 fatty acids and proteins.
- Algae such as chlorella and spirulina are excellent at replacing iodine in the body.
- Get complex carbs from the pseudocereals, cereals, and whole grains.
- Fermented and sprouted plant foods such as kombucha, kimchi, pickles, sauerkraut, natto, miso, tempeh, and Ezekiel bread are excellent for providing vitamins K12 and probiotics in the body.
- Leafy greens such as watercress, kale, spinach, bok choy are rich in calcium and iron.
For a well-nourished body, the vegans should take supplements equivalent to supporting the normal body functions.
For instance, vitamin B-12 is essential in fortifying red blood cells’ production and revamping the proteins’ metabolism. It’s advisable to settle for the vitamin B-12 supplement after sufficient consultation with a doctor or a nutritionist to avoid intoxicating the body.
Vitamin D is also essential for normal body functions. It’s efficient at improving the body’s immune system and aids in absorbing phosphorous and calcium. Research shows that the body can generate enough vitamins by spending about 20 minutes in the midday sun.
Take precaution by wearing sunscreen to protect the skin from the UV rays that can potentially cause rashes or skin conditions.
Too much of everything can get poisonous for the body and thus settle for any diet after proper consultation with the specialists and researchers to avoid misleading information.
Bottom Line
Transitioning from a vegetarian to a vegan can never be an easy process. Whichever, it’s okay to miss that turkey or the steak.
Once in a while, it’s normal to encounter significant body changes or cravings as the body transitions to a vegan diet. It’s not a matter of life and death, so any significant inconsistencies in the body call for medical attention.
A gradual process is efficient and noticeable. Follow the pioneers in vegan diets and learn the change process. Resonates with documentaries and stories that advocate for the animals’ welfare.
It’s imperative to learn and appreciate the process before settling for a diet the body and mind cannot sustain. Fortify the body by consuming vitamin supplements. Also, check at the plant-based diet that contains equal proteins and fats like that available in animals.
Are you a vegan or a vegetarian?
Share your journey of transitioning from a vegetarian to a vegan. What advice can you offer to a beginner looking forward to becoming a vegan?