Watching vegan documentaries reveals the dark side of human nature. Once you see these videos, they can never be unseen.
But informing yourself about how people treat animals for consumption shows the unconscious brutality of eating animals after cruelty poisons their bodies.
Whether you are vegan or not and are exploring how to be a better person, these vegan documentaries are a ‘must-see’.
After watching them, you have a choice to continue the same path or to change your ways for the betterment of humanity and the world in which we live.
- 1 #1 Blackfish
- 2 #2 Called to Rescue
- 3 #3 The Cove
- 4 #4 Cowspiracy
- 5 #5 Dominion
- 6 #6 Earthlings
- 7 #7 Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
- 8 #8 Forks Over Knives
- 9 #9 Live and Let Live
- 10 #10 Lucent
- 11 #11 Maximum Tolerated Dose
- 12 #12 Planet of the Humans
- 13 #13 Test Subjects
- 14 #14 Vegucated
- 15 #15 What the Health
- 16 More vegan documentaries
#1 Blackfish

No list of vegan documentaries will be complete without the 2013 Blackfish. Since veganism is a lifestyle and not just a plant-based diet, Blackfish producers wanted to make a film to draw attention to whales in captivity.
Since this movie showcased the pain inflicted on whales by their trainers at SeaWorld, support and profits have declined.
An orca whale killed trainer Dawn Brancheau, and PETA stepped in to encourage whales’ relocation to ocean sanctuaries.
Blackfish influenced a change in the ending to the movie Finding Dory and its reach extended to 2020 and the end to whale shows at SeaWorld. You can catch Blackfish on iTunes.
#2 Called to Rescue

This movie is a story of tragedy and heartbreak transforming into a life of peace for animals living in sanctuaries.
Called to Rescue is one of the more upbeat vegan documentaries showing good people on this planet who care about animals.
These people answer their calling to work in sanctuaries that focus on rescuing and rehabilitating animals.
Volunteers experience the pain with their victims, give them names and walk with them on the road to healing and peaceful existence.
All living creatures have names and a story to tell. Watch this movie online for free to find out the stories of animals who have suffered more than many people ever will.
#3 The Cove

By now, many people must have heard of The Cove or seen this movie. Ric O’Barry covers the merciless trapping and slaughter of dolphins by Japanese fishers in Taiji.
It doesn’t matter whether the dolphins are babies, or the mothers are pregnant–the sea runs red with their blood.
All this bloodshed and pain is for one reason only–to consume the lives of innocent, sentient creatures that have never harmed anyone in their lives.
This is one of those vegan documentaries that everyone should see and is available to watch online for free.
#4 Cowspiracy

Cowspiracy highlights the corruption and immorality behind agriculture and feeding nations.
It shows how ignoring questionable farming methods are causing more harm than is warranted.
In this movie, you will see just how pollution of the earth and oceans contributes to climate change.
You will see how those in positions of authority downplay water shortages in their efforts to keep the beef industry alive. But how long will it take before wisdom outweighs humanity’s selfishness?
Netflix features several vegan documentaries, and you can also see this movie on the same platform.
#5 Dominion

Dominion is another vegan documentary that could only use hidden cameras and drones for filming.
This movie was a best-seller featuring prominent actors and actresses whose work convinced many people to switch to veganism or transition to a plant-based diet.
Watch this movie on the Dominion website for free to see just how cruel factory farming has become.
#6 Earthlings

If you cannot stomach extreme graphic cruelty towards animals, don’t watch this movie. If you have health concerns and questions about treating animals as if they mean more than food, this movie is an education.
Earthlings encourage viewers to get real about the industries they support and learn just how this industry is poisoning the planet and how meat-eaters poison themselves.
Adrenaline production goes into overdrive when people treat animals with brutality. You get to eat the toxic results. Catch this shocker online.
#7 Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

If you want proof of how healing a vegan diet truly is, watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead for free online.
You will discover how vegan doctor Joel Fuhrman leads Joe Cross on a journey to save his life.
This movie was made in 2010 and is followed by Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead 2 in 2014.
Rather than being one of the vegan documentaries that highlight animal cruelty, this is a human story of how plants can genuinely save lives when used correctly.
#8 Forks Over Knives

Watch Forks Over Knives on Netflix for a refreshing change from the ugly side of meat-eating exposed in vegan documentaries like Earthlings. Forks Over Knives offers an informative look at switching to a vegan diet.
Viewers will also obtain significant insights into a plant-based diet’s health benefits, fully backed by science. If this movie doesn’t persuade you to choose health over animal cruelty, then maybe What the Health will.
#9 Live and Let Live

Live and Let Live is like Vegucated in that it draws attention to people who are intent on going vegan.
Live and Let Live features individuals with connections to the mass meat industry, such as butchers and workers who have left their dark pasts behind them, searching for a conscious life.
Activists and prominent vegans Peter Singer and Melanie Joy support this movie. Watch this movie online for free to see how vegan documentaries make a difference, one person at a time.
#10 Lucent

Lucent is brought to you by the same creators of Dominion, Delforce. Look at how Australian pig farming has managed to standardize and accept animal cruelty as a way of life.
Few people who work in these mass farming organizations will share the truth with the public.
It is left up to brave people to secretly enter the space of living horror with hidden cameras to bring the truth to light. Filmmakers expose humanity’s evil in getting this movie onto the world platform.
Alas, the knowledge of this horrendous cruelty has not yet become widespread enough to speed change but is making positive inroads as more people switch to veganism. Watch Lucent online free of charge.
#11 Maximum Tolerated Dose

Do you know how makeup, skin products, medicines, and other human use products are brought to market? It starts with laboratory testing of animals.
These animals have chemicals poured onto their skin, down their throats, and endure absolute butchery in the name of progress.
See this movie free online to see how scientists and others who perpetrate abject violence against animals tell their stories.
See how some animals get to escape daily misery and get a first chance of feeling grass underfoot, the warmth of the sun on their faces, and smell the air outside their tiny cages.
#12 Planet of the Humans

A definite play on the movie title Planet of the Apes, Planet of the Humans, illustrates the devastating effects of renewable energy resources on earth.
This vegan documentary highlights how alternative energy sources such as wind, biogas, and solar energy are not as clean as you may think. Check this one on YouTube.
#13 Test Subjects

Test Subjects is a short film that explores animal lab testing from three scientists’ perspectives. Caught in a dilemma and relying on their training, these scientists question animal testing’s validity.
The realization that lab testing no longer has a place in science is slowly coming to the fore as consumers demand more and more to put an end to this questionable practice that demonstrates humankind’s devolution.
Test Subjects also investigate the negative influence of various energy sources on the environment.
#14 Vegucated

Purchase or rent Vegucated online. Although this is one of the older vegan documentaries dating to 2011, it is a valuable watch for anyone questioning their ability to switch to a vegan lifestyle.
Vegucated invites viewers to participate in the challenges of three people who test their love of meat and cheese over six weeks.
Join these New Yorkers as they rise above their socially based diets to question plant-based food’s benefits over animal brutality.
Anyone considering leaving animal proteins off their plates will appreciate that change can be fun and doesn’t have to be miserable.
Let’s face it, anyone who ditches animal proteins will suffer much less than the animals who gave up their lives ever will.
#15 What the Health

What the Health discusses the foundational causes of disease, which are causally linked to what we eat. No one making money from the meat industry will share this information because it will impact their profits.
In the meantime, mass farming continues to feed the uninformed, causing disease and polluting the earth and our waterways.
Keeping people sick is big business. Meat contributes to ill health, but those in power don’t want to be out of pocket by sharing the truth.
Find out how the food on your plate suffers excruciating cruelty before you eat it. Watch how animal proteins add to poor health and the declining state of the environment on Netflix.
More vegan documentaries
Many more vegan documentaries are available if you don’t know how destructive meat-eating is.
Some of these movies include The Ghosts in Our Machine, Eating Animals, The Game Changers, and others–type in a search for ‘vegan documentaries’ to explore further.